


Benefits of joining our leagues:

  • Brampton's newest turf soccer field - FIFA Qualiy graded turf.
  • We offer co-ed, men's and women's leagues - 5 nights a week.
  • Enjoyable soccer for all skill levels at a reasonable price.
  • A full league program with playoffs.
  • Team or individual sign up available for all leagues. We promise NEVER to overload the individuals teams with excessive numbers of players or charge excessive amounts for individual sign-up
  • The only outdoor field in Brampton specifically marked for 7v7 soccer.
  • We offer leagues with 60 and 90 minute game durations to give people a choice.
  • All league games have referees and co-ordinators on-site.
  • All league games have proper goals, nets and lined fields
  • Results, standings and statistics are posted online on our website. Team captains can record goal scorers, choose their man of the match and other fun statistics.  All players can rate their team mates for a particular fixture
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