Co-Ed, Men's, Women's!

Details of our upcoming leagues can be found below:

$500 deposit will guarantee your space.

Field Rentals

Want to rent our amazing field at Heart Lake? Full field and mini fields available. Details can be found here.

Youth Programs

Although Footy Sevens 7v7 soccer leagues are for adults, we now offer a wide range of kids soccer programs at FootyForAll.

Weekly Pick-Up Soccer Powered by Good Rec!

Day Of WeekDetailsGamesGame LengthTeamIndividual
12 May
Co-Ed, 7-A-Side, Outdoor, Evening
Heart Lake Turf Field
1060 $ 1,250 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
$ 140 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
6 May
Co-Ed, 7-A-Side, Outdoor, Evening
Heart Lake Turf Field
1060 $ 1,250 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
$ 140 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
14 May
Men's, 7-A-Side, Outdoor, Evening
Heart Lake Turf Field
1060 $ 1,250 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
$ 140 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
15 May
Men's, 7-A-Side, Outdoor, Evening
Heart Lake Turf Field
1060 $ 1,250 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
$ 140 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
9 May
Men's, 9-A-Side, Outdoor, Evening
Heart Lake Turf Field
970 $ 1,350 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
$ 140 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
4 May
Men's, 7-A-Side, Outdoor, Evening
Heart Lake Turf Field
980 $ 1,350 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left
$ 140 + TAX
10+ Spaces Left

Who Are We?

Starting in May 2018 Footy Sevens leagues return with a full adult soccer league lineup of Co-Ed , Mens and Womens recreational soccer leagues in the Brampton area.

Our Brampton soccer leagues are fully refereed and played on fields that are marked properly for 7-A-Side soccer.

Full information about our exciting new venue is now available!

Where Do We Play?

Our brand new state of the art outdoor field is located at Heart Lake Secondary School in Brampton. This FIFA grade field is fully marked for 7-A-Side soccer with proper goals and divider nets between the individual pitches.

The field is now complete and available for rental. All new information will be posted on the website. Watch this space!

Sign Up!

Get all the information about our new location and leagues by registering with our website.

Register Your Interest

If you have any questions before then, please feel free to email us at

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